Discover Your Unique Contribution
to God’s Healing Work in the World

Wherever you find yourself, you are invited to join us on a journey of discovering your unique contribution to God’s healing work in the world.

WHO // People hoping to devote a short season (12 weeks) in order to refine their sense of vocational calling


  • Weekend Retreat / January 26-28 / North Georgia Mountains

  • Monthly Gatherings / Feb 21st, Mar 20th, April 17th / 6-9pm / Grace Midtown

  • Processing Huddles / Weekly for 12 weeks February - April / Dates, Times, Locations TBD based on group & leader availability

WHAT / A vocational discovery process designed to help you create space to hear from God a clearer sense of how God is inviting you to participate in His healing work in the world. We will reflect on our personal stories, our unique identities and giftings, and our sense of God’s leadership in our life. While we can’t promise that everyone will walk away with a crystal clear life plan, we will offer the best vocational discernment tools we know of for participants to feel empowered to either start or continue a vocational discernment process with God in community.

Vocāre is a vocational discovery journey to help you discern God’s call for your life. It is based on the Latin word for “to call, name, or summon” and it’s where we get our English word vocation. Parker Palmer suggests that “Vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening.” 

In other words, our callings are heard, not chosen. We have designed this 12-week formative experience to help you make space to listen to God in your life to hear how He might be inviting you to participate in His healing work in the world. 

We believe that God created each of us with a unique identity and
a unique purpose in the world, and we want to help you get in touch with yours.

Your corporate job, the business you are starting, the art you are making, the degree you are pursuing, or the family you are raising all matter deeply to God, and the work you are putting your hands to is sacred. Most of us just need our eyes opened to where God is at work in us and around us so we can join Him in it.

Others of us may find ourselves at a crossroads - sensing a change in our future, and looking to God for guidance and courage to take a counter-intuitive step down a new path in our lives and careers. 

If you fill out our form, we will reach out to you with information about next steps. If you have any questions, please email our Adult Ministries Pastor Ryan at